EVERY TUESDAY AT 10:00 am PST (1:00 pm Eastern)
One-hour image critique and Photoshop tips for the love and passion of Photography and Art.
Please join me in these sessions as I will be reviewing images according to the session topic. I will critique images that are noteworthy, those that need some or little work and those that missed the mark, explaining why and how we can make them better, in-camera or in Photoshop. and of course many Photoshop How-Tos, Workflow, and of course, artistic vision.
You are more than welcome to participate and submit your image to be showcased in the session. When you sign up, if you choose to submit an image, I will contact you to upload your image.
No need to have any knowledge of Photoshop, you are welcome to just sit back and observe. You do however need to register. A link to the Tuesday Sessions will be emailed TUESDAY MORNING with the Zoom session link.
NOTE: The Zoom sessions will be recorded and a small thumbnail of your image might appear. If you choose to not appear, please turn your webcam off.
Every week, registration will start on Tuesdays at 2:00 pm PST for the following week’s session.
This week’s session will be about:
What is a series?
What makes a good series?
We have just wrapped up another In-Depth Talk-&Learn in which students create a series of 6 images for their last assignment. In keeping with tradition, once an In-Depth Talk-&-Learn course is completed the next Free Talk-&-Learn session is dedicated to highlighting the final assignment of the students that have participated in the course. Their assignment was to create a body of work containing 6 images. Each image is different, yet belongs to a series. Additionally, they submit a Vision Statement that verbally conveys what their visual images depict.
So please, sit back, relax and enjoy the online exhibition of the
Talk-&-Learn Online Salon Show!
Sharon Tenenbaum’s Series of 6 - Inside Out